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Look Good = Feel Good

20th February 2023

Confidence is integral to mental well-being, and while frivolity steals its perception, fashion can be the best way to enhance our presence. It can bring a person out of their shell and make way for what lies beneath.      

It was recently our pleasure to work with Lewis, a kind young man with autism. He was suggested Wil Valor for his formal suit and gave us the honour of creating his bespoke dinner jacket. It is not just a well-fitting, confidence-boosting jacket for Lewis; it is a gateway for people to look past first impressions. It allows him to feel self-assurance unlike before; furthermore, allowing his true positive nature and personality to shine.

Another example of the power of clothing is Derek Rucker, a pro-basketball reporter, who is consistently overwhelmed by compliments when he wears his bespoke Wil Valor jacket. The validation and influence of external positivity create a feeling of acceptance and allows people to feel recognised for who they are and where they are in life.

Colour is a keystone in fashion. Its psychology can build the perfect mood to enhance or counteract your feelings. We all have those days when we do not feel our best, but a pop of colour can be an accessible source of strength. To bring some compassion, wearing pink will thoughtlessly influence how you go about your day. Orange can bring excitement and creativity. Blue can help with calmness and slowing things down.

It's important not to underestimate the effect of colour and fashion on our mental well-being. The rumours are true; if you look good, you feel good.

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